Jesu Sebastian® Food Project

Food waste is a very complex problem. We produce enough food globally to feed 14 billion, yet earth’s population is only 7.7 billion. That means mind boggling quantities of food is going to waste every day. A huge amount of food is wasted by supermarkets and even consumers throw away loads of food every day. It is a sad fact that tons of food get thrown out on a daily basis while a lot of people still go hungry. We need a creative way to find a solution to this. To help to ameliorate this trend, I’m introducing a product that could significantly extend shelf life of fruits and vegetables would go a long way to reduce food wastage.

This is why we have been tasked with creative ways of preserving fruits and vegetables to reduce food waste. Which is why we’ve set ourselves a challenge. Our team have been tasked with creative ways of preserving fruit and vegetables. Reducing the cost barriers, which include the safe handling and storage of food as well as the management time and resources to keep it edible within its life-span, would mean that hundreds of meals could go to those in need, rather than to waste.

The food I’m introducing is: Pasteurised Vegetable Stew, and Applesauce

1) Pasteurised Vegetable Stew

This vegetable stew is a delicious way to preserve vegetables. The main ingredients are roasted pepper, roasted aubergine, carrots, onions, courgette and tomatoes. Other ingredients are bay leaves, turmeric, salt and black pepper. Cook it and preserve it through canning. The vegetable stew can be eaten as a relish or on fresh bread or toast. It is said to improve in taste after some months of maturing. It lasts for years on the shelf.

2) Applesauce

Preserve homemade applesauce for two years by canning it. The ingredients are any kind of apples. Know that some apples are sweet and some are quite tart, which will affect how much sugar you add, if any. 

Most applesauce recipes call for the classic apple pie flavouring of cinnamon and nutmeg. Instead of using ground spices that quickly lose their potency on the shelf, we try tossing one or two whole sticks of cinnamon into the pot along with a few scrapes of freshly grated nutmeg. More add-ins: Lemon juice to brighten up the taste, and fresh ginger and apple cider vinegar to give the mix a little kick. Cook it and preserve it through canning. Yes, we're using glass jars, but it's still called canning.

Water Project

Rainwater Harvesting System Design

Jesu’s design of a rainwater harvesting system is the process of collecting, storing and then using rainwater as an alternative or complementary source to mains water. Harvested rainwater is commonly used for washing cars, watering plants, flushing toilets and washing clothes. Rainwater has always been used as a clean water source in agriculture- helping you to save money and re-use our planet's most valuable natural resource. Rainwater harvesting helps to reduce our environmental impact.

Also one of my main concerns is the forest fire. 

One of the effective ways to stop fires in forestlands is by flooding them, so water goes into the pores among the roots and puts out the fires. The simple way of achieving this is installing Rainwater Harvesting System in the forestlands where is forest fire happening quiet often.

Shelter Project


Jesu Sebastian is a social entrepreneur who is deeply committed to helping people in need. One of the issues that he is particularly concerned about is homelessness. According to the United Nations, an estimated 150 million people around the world are homeless, and the number is increasing every year. Homelessness is a complex problem that has many causes, including poverty, lack of affordable housing, and mental health issues.

We believe that everyone deserves a safe and secure place to call home, and he has been working tirelessly to find solutions to the homelessness problem. His latest project is a mobile shelter that is designed to provide temporary housing for homeless people. The shelter is made from lightweight, durable materials and can be easily transported from one location to another.

Dream Big.

Our Team work from Design Sketch to Creative Visualization.